Saturday, May 17, 2014

Seven Weeks

We brewed again last week; style.  All I made was a Nut Brown.  I need to make a few recipes and get them up here, for that and also for the Honey Wheat I made the week before.

We were visited by the famous (or infamous) {or maybe both "in" and famous} Topher Starshine, who brewed a beer (or rather had a beer brewed for him) in the form of an Oatmeal Stout.  The working title was Haute-meal Stout.  J'approuve, Topher.  J'approuve. 

I got to put my big new burner through the paces.  It was pulling pipe-duty, and that's not a job for a lazy, slackaday burner.  We're still not totally on top of how to keep up with all the hot water we need, but in our defense, sometimes we need 40 gallons of 180 degree water all at once.  I just feel like we could do better.

Oh, and the post title...  I give blood every eight weeks.  I was a little late the last time around because that was my day to give.  (I hate to skip it, because the vampires at the blood center start calling.)  Anyway, when we were scheduling this brew day, I noticed on my calendar that I would *not* be late because of donating because I was due the next weekend.  Which meant it had only been the seven weeks since the last time we brewed 60+ gallons at once.

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